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学校地址:湖南省 长沙市 雨花区 车站南路红花坡路口 |
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学校地址:湖南省 长沙市 雨花区 车站南路红花坡路口 |
功放电路技术参数: 输出功率:25V,8ohm负载. 灵敏度: 200mV 输入 25W 输出 频率响应:30Hz to 20KHz -1dB THD @ 1KHz: 0.1W 0.014% 1W 0.006% 10W 0.006% 20W 0.007% 25W 0.01% 音频功放电路:
THD: 0.1W 0.024% 1W 0.016% 10W 0.02% 20W 0.045% 25W 0.07%
R1,R4 = 47K 1/4W 电阻
R2 = 4K7 1/4W 电阻
R3 = 1K5 1/4W 电阻
R5 = 390R 1/4W 电阻
R6 = 470R 1/4W 电阻
R7 = 33K 1/4W 电阻
R8 = 150K 1/4W 电阻
R9 = 15K 1/4W 电阻
R10 = 27R 1/4W 电阻
R11 = 500R 1/2W
R12,R13,R16 = 10R 1/4W 电阻
R14,R15 = 220R 1/4W 电阻
R17 = 8R2 2W 电阻
R18 = R22 4W 电阻 (wirewound)
C1 = 470nF 63V 薄膜电容器
C2 = 330pF 63V 薄膜电容器
C3,C5 = 470uF 63V 电解电容器
C4,C6,C8,C11 = 100nF 63V 薄膜电容器s
C7 = 100uF 25V 电解电容器
C9 = 10pF 63V 薄膜电容器
C10 = 1uF 63V 薄膜电容器
Q1-Q5 = BC560C 45V100mA 低噪声高增益PNP三极管
Q6 = BD140 80V 1.5A PNP三极管
Q7 = BD139 80V 1.5A NPN 三极管
Q8 = IRF532 100V 12A N沟道场效应管
Q9 = IRF9532 100V 10A P沟道场效应管
Parts: R1 = 3K3 1/2W 电阻 注意事项 Can be directly connected to CD players, tuners and tape recorders. Simply add a 10K Log potentiometer (dual gang for stereo) and a switch to cope with the various sources you need. Q6 & Q7 must have a small U-shaped heatsink. Q8 & Q9 must be mounted on heatsink. Adjust R11 to set quiescent current at 100mA (best measured with an Avo-meter in series with Q8 Drain) with no input signal. A correct grounding is very important to eliminate hum and ground loops. Connect in the same point the ground sides of R1, R4, R9, C3 to C8. Connect C11 at output ground. Then connect separately the input and output grounds at power supply ground.
C1 = 10nF 1000V 薄膜电容器
C2,C3 = 4700΅F 50V 电解电容器
C4,C5 = 100nF 63V 薄膜电容器
D1 200V 8A 整流桥,读都也可以用四个整流二极管
D2 发光二极管
F1,F2 3.15A 保险丝
PL1 插座
SW1 开关