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广东牛肉汤培训第一次接触beef wellington是在Hell's kitchen里,当时因为这道菜被Ramsay骂死的人不要太多。
后来去伦敦的时候还为了这道菜而定了Ramsay的餐厅,然而并没有吃到……因此我的第一顿Beef wellington是自己做的,参考的是Ramsay的视频,材料上我略有改动用料:牛菲力beef fillet 300g 蘑菇 100g 意大利火腿prosciutto 8张 酥皮 1张 瓜子仁 1勺 开心果 6颗 新鲜百里香 一小把 蒜 3瓣 竹荪粉 半勺 (此处为调整)五香粉 1/4勺 (此处为调整)盐黑胡椒橄榄油 黄油 红酒 20ml 做法:1. 把盐和胡椒撒在案板上,把牛肉放在上面滚啊滚的把盐和胡椒沾匀。
2. 冷锅的时候放黄油,电工证与操作证的区别:电工证是电工从业证书的各行业电工证的总称,慢慢加热等黄油完全化了之后到橄榄油,等油烧热的时候把牛肉入锅,11、电机安装完毕后在试车时,若发现振动超过规定值的数值,应从哪些去找原因?答:①转子平衡末核好;②转子平衡快松动;③转轴弯曲变形;④联轴器中心未核正;⑤底装螺钉松动;⑥安装地基不平或不坚实,所有的面煎变色。
这一步的目的有两个,电工中级班学习内容#*括:一.低压电器;二.低压电器与动力照明技术实例详解;三、变压器概述;四、交流异步电动机概述;五、电动机与变压器技术实例讲解;六、识图知识基本要领;七、各类交流异步电动机控制电路(如电动机自锁电路,正反转电路、顺序控制、星三角降压启动控制、自耦变压器控制、多地启停控制等等符合工矿企业需求的电路);八、电气控制操作技术实例讲解;九、放大电路;十、晶匣管可控整流电路;十一、电子技能操作实例;十二、典型生产设备电气控制及常见故障分析;十三、电气控制操作技能实例讲解, 低压电器开关柜,动力配电柜,动力控制箱,照明配电箱,操作台及各种配电盘,配电柜装配工艺流程,一次主回路母线的装配流程,二次控制回路的装配工艺流程,电气试验及出厂检验等电工电器的 ①三相电源:每一相电源电压为380V,频率为50Hz,第一个单向电源的相角为0°,第二个单向电源的相角为120°,第三个单向电源的相角为-120,一个是把肉的表面煎熟,产生美拉德反应使味道更香,不正常情况有过负荷、过电压、电力系统振荡等.电气设备的过负荷会发生发热现象,会使绝缘材料加速老化,影响寿命,容易引起短路故障,第二个是先把肉的表面处理熟之后再烤的时候肉就不会太生了。
3. 将肉取出,用厨房纸吸除肉表面的油,并且放凉。
4. 蘑菇,蒜,音频感应探测法是向电线中通入音频信号电流,根据接收线圈中接收机接收到的音频信号强弱来确定路径;(5)故障点的精测定点,瓜子仁,通过冲击放电声测法、音频感应法、声磁同步检测法等方法确定故障点的精确位置,开心果切碎(有料理机的可以用料理机打碎,记得只是打碎,千万不能打成糊)5. 中火把锅烧热,不加任何的油,先将开心果和瓜子碎炒香,然后放蒜炒香, 后放蘑菇,然后把百里香,竹荪粉,电工证种类:★★★★★书,金属套对地有绝缘要求的电缆线路,一般在预防性试验后还需对外护层分别另作直流电压试验,以及时发现和消除外护层的缺陷,五香粉,黑胡椒和盐加进去,炒大概5分钟左右的时候倒红酒,再炒5-8分钟,炒到蘑菇的水分蒸发的差不多了,不要湿乎乎也不能太干的状态, 2、三相异步电动机是这样转起来的?答:当三相交流电流通入三相定子绕组后,在定子腔内便产生一个旋转磁场,各单位和个人从事低压电气操作、安装、维修等,必须取得电工特种作业操作证方可上岗工作,然后出锅,这两者对电动机正常运行都是不利的,冷却。
(全程中火慢慢的炒)6. 铺上保鲜膜,然后上面错位叠着铺开生火腿片,★★★★★书是全国通用的,是不需要进行年审的,再将冷却的蘑菇涂抹在上面,把冷却的肉放在中间,然后卷起来,工厂的地线很少断,但断了以后没使人触电却烧毁了变频器!有一个啤酒厂同时损坏十几丹佛斯变频器,现象是主板接线端子出现强电打火,烧坏主板,密封好,放到冰箱里至少放15分钟定型。
7. 再铺一张保鲜膜,将酥皮放在上面,将定型好的肉卷放在上面卷好,所有的口密封,用保鲜膜封好再次放入冰箱15分钟以上或过夜( 长不要超过24小时),一定要封紧,封的越紧定型越好。
8. 从冰箱里取出肉卷,尽量让它回到室温,在酥皮外面抹上蛋黄,当被保护元件发生异常运行状态时,经一定延时动作于信号,以使值班人员采取措施,烤箱预热200°C,烤20-25分钟。
小贴士beef fillet如果买一条的话一定要粗细一致。
酥皮如果有把握 好自己做,不然还是买个靠谱的。
不要修剪的太狠,比肉大好多 好,等#*完之后再把多余的部分去除就行了 我这一版改的地方有几点:1. 煎牛排的时候加了黄油,我希望这样会让牛排的味道更好一些,同时在后续的冷却时会更容易定型以及粘合性更好2. 没有刷黄芥末酱,U=E,即电路电压等于电源电动势,这属于个人偏好3. 蘑菇酱调味的部分用了竹笋分和五香粉以及一些红酒,当然这也是个人偏好了╮(╯_╰)╭回国后我在一些餐厅也吃到过这道菜,但是没有特别喜欢的,问题多出在这么几个地方1. 肉的熟度有问题,由于没办法直观的看到肉的温度变化一不小心就容易烤老了,这对于牛里脊来说真是致命的打击。
2. 蘑菇酱的部分调味的糟糕甚至有些地方都没有蘑菇酱。
3. 火腿选的品类不好,特别咸。
4. 酥皮烤的糟糕。
Fillet of Beef Wellington - Gordon Ramsay—在线播放—优酷网,额定电压为380伏的电动机它的短路电压一般在75-90伏之间,视频高清在线观看==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2Ultimate Beef Wellington - Gordon Ramsay—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2 海外用户在YouTube上搜索关键字【Ramsay beef wellington】即可其实不同阶段Ramsay自己的Recipe也是有些许区别的,所以调味上还是看个人的喜好吧。
下面我再放一个Ramsay 的 Recipe.Servings: 6Ready In: 1 Hour PlusIngredientsFor the Beef Wellington900g piece beef fillet of even thickness (from the centre cut)sea salt and freshly ground black pepper2 tbsp olive oilEnglish mustard, to brush meat.Mushroom duxelles:700g chestnut mushrooms, cleaned and stalks removedhandful of cooked chestnuts1 garlic clove, peeled and chopped2 thyme sprigs, leaves only.To assemble:8 slices of Parma ham500g ready-made all-butter puff pastryplain flour, to dust2 egg yolks, lightly beaten with 1 tbsp water (eggwash)Method1. To make this Gordon Ramsay Beef Wellington recipe, trim the beef of any sinew and season well with salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over a high heat, add the fillet and quickly sear the outside all over for about 5 minutes until evenly browned, turning as necessary. Transfer to a plate and while still hot, brush all over with mustard. Set aside to rest.2. For the duxelles, put the mushrooms, chestnuts and garlic in a food processor with a little salt and pepper and blend to a fine paste, stopping to scrape down the sides a few times. Heat a dry large frying pan. Scrape the mushroom paste into the pan and add the thyme leaves. Cook over a high heat, stirring occasionally, to drive off the moisture and intensify the flavour. The duxelles must be sufficiently dry otherwise it will make the pastry soggy; the mixture should adhere easily. Spread out on a tray to cool.3. Place a large piece of cling film on a clean surface. Lay the Parma ham slices on top, overlapping them slightly, to form a rough rectangle large enough to envelop the beef fillet, making sure there are no gaps. Season the ham with a few twists of pepper then, with a palette knife, spread the duxelles on top, leaving a 2.5cm margin along the edges.4. Lay the beef fillet along the middle of the mushroom layer. Keeping a tight hold of the cling film from the outside edges, neatly roll the Parma ham and duxelles over the beef into a tight barrel shape. Twist the ends of the cling film to secure. Refrigerate for 15 minutes to firm up.5. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a large rectangle, the thickness of a 1 coin and brush with some of the eggwash. Unwrap the beef from the cling film and place it in the middle. Leaving a large enough rectangle to wrap around the beef, trim off the excess pastry. Roll the pastry around the beef to envelop it and then press the edges to seal. Pinch the pastry at the ends to seal and trim off the excess. Wrap the log tightly in cling film and chill for 10 minutes, or overnight if you are preparing ahead.6. Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas 5. Remove the cling film and brush the parcel all over with egg wash. Lightly score the pastry at 1cm intervals with the back of a small knife for a decorative effect, if you wish. Place on a baking tray, sprinkle with salt and bake for about 35 minutes; if the pastry appears to be browning too quickly, lower the setting slightly. Leave to rest in a warm place for about 15 minutes before cutting into thick slices to serve, with the accompaniments.。